Jai Gopal
Alignment to Source
In order to live your great adventure, expand the potentials and possibilities of your embodiment
Write your awesome label here.
Study time
October 2 2023 - April 8 2024
Meetings in Zoom
Mondays 7 pm-8.30 pm CET
Mentoring group
Mondays 8:30-9:30 pm CET
This Alignment to Source course is a 6-month continuing education program created and supervised by Jai Gopal and her team.
This course is designed for individuals who wish to know themselves, open up, deepen and align themselves, to be guided by their true self, or higher self. It helps us to remember our essence and to manifest our highest potential in all aspects of our lives.
Jai Gopal
"Hello, I am very, very happy and glad and grateful to announce the Alignment to Source course that I am starting. This course is about learning who you are and who you are not. We will align more and more with our highest potential, our calling, with what we embody here as a conscious living beings, and discover how we are conditioned and what we have learned about our conditioned self. The more we learn about the conditioned self and remember our true self, the more opportunities we have to align with it and be it, embody it, vibrate it. The more we vibrate with it, the more we create from this place, and the more our life becomes the desired dream that we set out to realize when we came here as a soul. I am very pleased to begin this process with you. The format is 6 months of weekly meetings so that we repeat and remember this process with you together and allow it to expand more. The more we expand, the more we create and the more we shine! So if you feel a call - join us now, learn more and if you have any question you want to ask me, please do it through the organizer, on the link below. Thank you and Love!"
Become aware what you express
In truth, we are all expressions of the Source, but the question to ask ourselves is, what are we expressing, the will of the ego or the will of our higher self?
Keep the focus
This course focuses on realising what makes us happy, on who we are and what we are.
Who we are, the nature of presence, awareness of higher consciousness planes.
What we are, what inspires us, our vocation, our intention, what we came to share by incarnating.
Who we are, the nature of presence, awareness of higher consciousness planes.
What we are, what inspires us, our vocation, our intention, what we came to share by incarnating.
Create from fulfilled state
We develop our ability to open up to new perspectives, and abandon those that limit us, and thus connect with our true creative power.
Alignment to Source is a course for those who wish to realise themselves and their mission
It opens for the knowledge, acceptance, and love to oneself and others. It also allows us to remember that we have the choice in every moment to vibrate the frequencies of our being, such as peace, love, and joy. It enables us to vibrate these frequencies and embody our true creative power in all aspects of our lives.
What does Alignment to Source offers you?
This practical education offers you to know the mechanisms that govern Creation and follow the teachings of Creation/Source in everyday life
to accept yourself and step into your mission
- to learn to recognise and trust your own guidance, follow your inspiration, have more clarity by eliminating doubts and confusion
- to become more aware of your limiting patterns, perspectives and fears
- to choose the mission of your soul and let go of attachments, limitations, judgments, fears, both conscious and unconscious
- to start to recognise when you become misaligned and become more conscious when unconscious patterns guide your life
to rise your frequency and expand your potential
- to become more aware of mixed frequencies held in your energy field
- to live and expand your greatest possible potential at the moment and accept and recognise when it is not
- to reconnect to your power of being, become free to make choices, in full responsibility for creating your life
to realise the creator of your creation and act from the heart
- to open for the knowledge, acceptance, and love to yourself and others
- to remember that you have the choice in every moment to vibrate the frequencies of your being, such as peace, love, and joy
- to vibrate these frequencies and embody your true creative power in all aspects of your life
- to share a space where you grow your vocation and live your greatest potential
For whom?
This course is a course that requires your participation and commitment.
To fully benefit from this course, you commit to be as present as possible live and to listen to the replays if you cannot join the live session. To re-listen to the replays and do the practice exercises and/or meditations.
You are supported in your learning, exploration, and expansion by Jai Gopal and mentors who have taken the course. You develop a relationship, support with your partner.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
"Remind yourself over and over and over again of the Creator that you are. Everything changes for the better when we remember this, when we begin to recognize and recognize ourselves as the creator of who we are. And it opens all doors."
"This course filled the entire group with the energy of love. The techniques we learned allowed me to learn how to return to myself, to my center. And this love touched my deepest shadow sides, and my bright light, and the part that does not condemn, but loves."
"The training itself, the fact that you connect to classes every week, really allows you to build an everyday life, understanding yourself, and have available tools for every day.
I saw that difficult moments or storms are gifts, this is also an experience that I was able to go through through training.
It means loving this moment with peace and faith.
And even if I am shocked, all the potentialities are in me."
"I stopped suppressing what I have to say and learned to say it from the heart."
"Miracle! And it's becoming the norm!"
"When it is me who is the source of my greatest inspiration, then there is an immensity, an unexpected immensity, an incredible immensity that opens up to me. And this immensity in me, I did not suspect it, I did not know it. And when I touch the Creator, when I am inside, it is magic! This is the realm of magic!"
Teachings by Jai Gopal
Live sessions in Zoom with tools for self-development and self-realisation each Monday 7-8.30 PM, CET
Meditations, activations, and replays
Unlimited access to replays and additional learning materials
Integration into a mentoring group
to share and integrate teachings each Monday from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm, CET
Work with a partner
Individual tasks for interacting one by one to support your learning
Jai Gopal
Write your awesome label here.
Start the education
Choose your plan
One-off payment
- Individual consultation with Jay Gopal (at a convenient time for you) - available only with a one-off payment
- Full access to the course
- Group lessons with Jay Gopal (every Monday from 7 pm to 8.30 CET)
- Mentor group from 8.30 pm to 9.30 CET (integration of the teaching accompanied by mentors)
- Recordings of classes in video and audio format
- Audio recordings of activations and
tools in PDF format
- Telegram group for communication
In 3 instalments
- Access to the course: from September 26 to November 26 (after the first installment); November 26 - January 26 (after the second installment); January 26 - March 26 (after the third installment)
- Group lessons with Jay Gopal (every Tuesday from 7 pm to 8.30 CET)
- Mentor group from 8.30 pm to 9.30 CET (integration of the teaching accompanied by mentors)
- Recordings of classes in video and audio format
- Audio recordings of activations and tools in PDF format
- Telegram group for communication
Frequently asked questions
What is “Alignment to Source” about?
The Alignment Source course focuses on experiential learning how to connect and stay connected with the innate qualities of the source expressed in us in our everyday life. By source we mean the non-from consciousness from which all other forms emanate. It teaches how to become aware of this part of us and how to remain connected to it. It also teaches how to deal with the subconscious material that is coming up while we are trying to realign to our truth.
Will there be an activation of some sort?
Yes, there will be activations of higher levels of consciousness. We will connect to the consciousness of will, unconditional love, etc.
Who is this course for?
This course is for those who feel the calling of their soul to join the program.
What is the purpose of this course?
The purpose of this course is to teach you how to live connected with the enlightened part of you, so you could manifest your spiritual gifts through alignment with your mission.
What is the channel\source of teaching?
Jai gives direct knowledge from counsel of light and not through any mediator or civilization. There will be some channeling through source but it’s not the main objective of the course. This course is dedicated to alignment to source, which is not only about channeling, but also about your embodiment of your true essence. The intention of the course is to give simple tools and a direct way of aligning to this state, which, nevertheless, requires practice.
Will there be shadow work?
A course like this definitely requires shadow work because as you try to align with the new level of consciousness everything that contradicts it will show up. And learning how to deal with it is a big part of the course.
Should I take the course if I have already activated higher consciousness?
You can take this course even if you have already activated higher consciousness because activation itself does not guarantee that you can hold this consciousness for a long period of time. The course teaches you how to return to this state and how to hold it better, so you can embody this state more and more and eventually learn to be in it all the time.
Should I take the course if I don’t really understand what it is about?
On the contrary, this course doesn’t require logical understanding. We will work with our inner knowing and mechanisms of getting into the higher states of consciousness. Jai will place you into this state again and again, so you will remember the road to it and could do it yourself.
Why is group work important?
The community is important because it gives huge support to each member on their journey. It helps them to open up more and go through challenges that arise on the way.
What does it mean to be one’s mission?
You will get what it means through the frequent connection to higher vibrations, then at some point you will get the inner knowing, which if not tangible but still very real.
What does it mean that everything that exists is the process of vibration?
Humans and all living beings on Earth are crystalized vibrations. In different words we are vibrations that have a concrete form. Everything around us and in us is also vibrations: light, sound, form, thoughts, feelings. And each vibration fluctuates up and down as a wave. The whole Universe is built out of this fluctuation.