Sacred Power of a Woman: Lessons from Yogi Bhadjan

Mar 8 / Oleksandra Domanova, source: 3HO
In the realm of Kundalini Yoga, the wisdom bestowed by Yogi Bhadjan resonates profoundly, particularly in the context of empowering women. Let's delve into the transformative messages he shared, shaping the International Women's Training sessions into sacred spaces of enlightenment.

Discovering the Essence

Yogi Bhadjan, a beacon of inspiration, emphasized a fundamental truth - the acceptance of a feminine nature. He conveyed that external adornments pale in significance unless one embraces their inherent womanhood. It's not about men or relationships; it's about the moment a woman acknowledges her true nature, unlocking the potential to conquer the world.

On January 7, 1996, he declared, "After you accept your feminine nature, the entire world becomes yours."

Roots of Wisdom

Rooted in the profound influence of his mother and grandmother, Yogi Bhadjan admired their wise leadership within the family and community. His teachings echo the strength demonstrated by these women when they left Pakistan and rebuilt their lives in India. They embodied the depth and power inherent in women.

In 1976, Yogi Bhadjan initiated the first "Women's Training Camp" in New Mexico, envisioning women evolving from "chicks" into "eagles soaring in the sky" through ancient sacred yogic technologies.

Summer Sanctuaries of Wisdom

For 29 consecutive summers, Yogi Bhadjan beckoned women worldwide to the Khalsa Women's Training Camp (now the International Women's Camp), dedicating more time to female education than any other subject. Through daily Kundalini Yoga classes and unique meditations, he instilled knowledge on achieving success.

He astonished us by asserting that women possess 16 times the energy and intuition of men, with an innate ability to accomplish 16 times more. Breaking free from a culture that often perceives women as the weaker sex, he encouraged us to tap into the depths of our souls, recognizing our divine energy.

The Divine Feminine

Yogi Bhajan viewed women as embodiments of the creative energy of God, Shakti. Each woman carries within her the divine energy celebrated across cultures as Adi Shakti. Through Kundalini Yoga Kriyas and deep meditations, he guided us to delve within, gaining confidence, individuality, and strength.

"Your beauty, your work, makeup, knowledge, status, education, and everything from which you might seek benefit is based on one thing: from start to finish, you conduct yourself as a woman in absolute grace," he emphasized.

Marching to the Rhythm of Empowerment

Yogi Bhadjan's teachings extended beyond yoga and meditation. He imparted knowledge on ancient health secrets, feminine diets, and delivered lectures on love, relationships, men, marriage, connections, success, pregnancy, and child-rearing. He encouraged us to march in formation, embark on challenging journeys, and overcome obstacles, fortifying our self-esteem and reminding us of the divine nature of women.

A Plea for Respect

In a prayer dated May 9, 1971, Yogi Bhadjan implored the Lord to create an environment where every mother, sister, and woman on the planet could live in grace, free from circumstances that would force them to compromise their beauty, body, essence, or awareness.

A Global Reflection

He often proclaimed that a nation's condition is reflected in the faces of its women. He asserted that global peace hinges on the universal respect for women. "When people worldwide respect women, peace will reign on Earth," he declared on May 9, 1971.

Acknowledging the Divine Essence

The image of the Divine Mother and Sacred Femininity transcends time. Yogi Bhadjan encouraged us to honor our Adi Shakti, recognizing that the more we cherish our essence, the more we contribute to the world.

A Woman's Role

"Women must understand their role. Their role is not to worship God; their role is to be the essence of God. Their unity can touch and open the heart of everyone," he imparted on July 15, 1994.

In the sacred journey of Kundalini Yoga, Yogi Bhadjan's teachings continue to guide women towards self-empowerment and divine recognition. May these insights kindle the flame of enlightenment within every woman, propelling her towards a path of grace, strength, and profound self-awareness.
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