We as an energy are always striving for the purest vibration. People call it in different words: Source, Universe, Creator, God, Absolute. Until we align to it, we will always look for it.
Alignment to Source is an advanced form of meditation. The most direct and fastest way to interact with the one unified infinite consciousness, which has the highest frequency of vibration.
Alignment to Source allows you to connect with the purest and powerful energy and transmit it, manifest through yourself. This is how we truly become ourselves and vibrate at the frequencies of our higher self, such as peace, love, joy.

Alignment to Source Meditation works at the causal level, at the level of energy, and from that level immediately affects all the rest denser layers. Thats why it is considered as the most powerful and advanced type of meditation. Practicing it you don't perceive yourself as a person that tries to achieve enlightenment, you open the path of the soul, experiencing life in your beautiful human body. This truth becomes your experience, not empty words.
This kind of transformation allows you to truly love your life, fully reveal your mastery and realise the purpose why you were incarnated on Earth for. By getting new perception of yourself, problems and difficulties turn to valuable gifts, to new opportunities and field of your growth.
If you have never practiced Alignment to Source Meditation start practicing in accompany of a channeling master that will initiate your transition to the highest frequency and guide you in order to connect with the vibration of the Source.
In the field of the master, the entire group of participants is invited into a space that feels as love and light. The channeling master transmits energy from the heart of the Source, and a group of meditators align their frequencies to it. The master also guides with words in order to create favourable conditions for maintaining the concentration of the mind.

Millions of people are striving to achieve enlightenment. While Meditation of Alignment to Source shift happens quickly and easily. The beauty is that access to the Source frequency is open for everyone. Once you get there you know that it is always present.
We invite you to experience the Alignment to Source Meditation with Jay Gopal, a master with the rare gift of leading very large groups of people towards wholeness. Her service increases the collective vibration of our planet.

The talent of Jay Gopal is to point the way to the true essence of the students, to reveal the talents given to them from God. As a result of the meditations she holds in our community, many miracles happen: souls awaken, find their mission in life, heal diseases, including chronic and very complex ones, and, becoming more aligned to their true essence, they heal others.
If you feel you want this experience, join us on August 19 at 6 pm CET online.
On this collective meditation Jai Gopal will guide spiritual community to anchor high frequencies within, to receive and spread vibrations of the Source and to heal by being aligned to the highest presence.
Also she is going to share how you can deepen the practice.
To learn more about the Alignment to Source method and what benefits it offers if to practice regularly, visit the website of Alignment to Source Program taught by Jay Gopal.